Thursday, September 23, 2004

First Week of Classes are Over!

Yesterday ended my first week of class. While some of the classes were
itneresting and have potential to be informative and interesting, some
are quite strange - specifically my Human Resources class, where the
professor compared the organization to the mind body and soul, and
asked that we listen to music to see how it made us feel. This would
have been strange enough, but then she lit candles and incense, and
danced around the room. I was confused. Apparently, she's the Program
Director's wife, so apparently nepotism is quite strong in france. So
i'm going to look for another class - even though this one is high on
the Unintentional Comedy Index.
This mornign, i got to sleep in - but i was rudely awakened by a man
blaring on his horn. Apparently, a tow truck was trying to two a car,
and this guy was stuck in our street. But, he could ahve turned around
in the roundabout - which he refused to do. I should have taken a
picture. Bizarro Frenchies.


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