Monday, January 03, 2005

So i was reading today about the end of the 'cocktail wars' between the EU and Cuba. In essence, in exchange for normalized relations between the EU and Cuba, the EU countries agree not to recognize any dissidents or members of Cuban government other than Fidel Castro. Is it just me, or does it seem like the EU is acting more and more like America - pursuing relations when economically profitable - human rights be damned. I'm concerned as there seems to be no real counterweight to the capitalist machine. Don't get me wrong, i love capitalism as much as anybody else - but it occurs to me that capitalism cannot function unless democracy and transparency are ideals. Supporting Castro at the expense of his detractors seems to do the opposite.
Hopefully Chirac and his Gaullist world are listening - and act as a counterweight to not just America - but the United States of Europe as well...They might need it.


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