Tuesday, July 12, 2005

All-Star Game

Thought while watching the all-star game:
1) with matt clement making the all-star team, i believe that every cubs starter from last year's team is now an all-star - Wood and Prior in 03, Z in 04, Maddux in the '90s. How did that team not win the division
2) it's amazing to me that rafael palmeiro is closing in on 3000 hits. That is simply amazing. They should keep mcgwire, bonds, and sosa out of the HoF until Raffy gets in. He should be there first. The others are hacks.
3)I'm so tired of yankee-red sox bs. Can we please pay attention to some other teams. The west coast is doing some amazing things. I never thought much about an east coast bias. but the way that the Angels and teh Athletics get ignored. Sheesh.


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