Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Bush, Losing it?

I think we can say that we're, ahem, "losing the war" - whatever that means. Personally, I don't think that this is really a war for us to win or lose. Yes, if we fail to meet our objectives, we lose. But I'm not really sure where our responsibility as an intervention force end, and the personal responsibility of Iraqis starts. Meaning, I'm not sure we'll be able to dictate whether or not we win/lose the war.

The country is descending into civil war. And, i don't really feel like i've been given a good reason for why that's happening.
  • Is an inability to form a government the reason?
  • The US's "best" efforts to restore services and rebuild not being quick enough?
  • Just our presence there?
  • Are there too many competing factions that are trying to fill a power vacuum?
  • Are the Iraqis declaring authority in the only way they know how?
  • Or are the Shia and the Sunni just barbaric?
Obviously Bush and his buddies share a large part of the blame for how the US has mishandled this (Abu Ghraib, reconstruction, enemy combantants, you name it)...But, I don't feel like i've read/seen anything that comments on the culpability of the Iraqis, and their inability to be resolve this through negotiation and peaceful discussion. I mean, settle down, people. If you've got any sources for me to look at, i'd be interested to review

Anyway, what got me on this tangent was this article in the washington post. Milbank's coverage of bush's press conference yesterday. Sounds like ol' george is this close to not giving a shit, and is gonna shoot from the hip, or say whatever he wants. Which could be fun, and revealing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take care of Iraq? One word: John Deere. line a couple of those babys up shoulder to shoulder, turn 'em on, press the peddle and flatten the place. stick some GPS computer dohickies on 'em and you'll be ready to pour the foundation... hell you could even put the cement mixers right behind 'em... man, tell you wHat; i coulda done this whole iraqi thing in a week. five days tops with quick-crete.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Sanjiv Gajiwala said...

John Deere is two words

10:30 PM  

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