Wednesday, February 01, 2006

State of the Sanjiv....

On the heels of a yawn-worthy state of the union, i offer my own. The state of the sanjiv is Strong. Does that mean anything? I have a laundry list of initiatives for 2006, but i'd rather hit on some thoughts from yesterday's sotu.
1) It sounded a lot more like the bush of 2000, than the bush of 2004. I don't know which is more objectionable to you, but i preferred 2000 bush to more recent versions. Except for his whole "liberty is on the march" thing. Which is contradictory to his previously stated opposition to nation building. But, as i'm a fan of internationalism, using our influence abroad, and opening markets, i'll side with him on this one.
2) Hillary clinton is a smug, irritating woman. She can't even crack a smile when GW poked fun at Bill and him turning 60? seriously? yet she whoops and hollers with the other Dems when they cheer the fact that they did nothing to contribute to the SS debate or solution last year. Way to be inert, idiots.
3)I'm not sure what to make of his energy proposals. Unexpected to be sure, but i wonder how effective this can be without a forced increasing of CAFE standards in the next few years. SEriously, these number haven't been changed since the 70's? are you telling me we haven't discovered a way in the last 30 years to make all cars more fuel efficient?
4)Iraq/Iran/Middle East. I'm suffering from fatigue on this issue. We're there, it's not going well, but leaving is not an option. IN this case, if bush is too stubborn to get new advice or try new tactics, then perhaps we need change of pace. Unfortuantely, that's not going to happen for a few years. Bah.


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