tournament work has started - so that means my beach time has been shifted to the evenings. last night there was a lightening storm off the coast of venezuela - it was cool to watch it from curacao.
last few days have been a good mix of work and relaxation. Work during the day - spend the evening in the pool sipping mojitos (they make a good one here!).I had a chance to explore the port city - willemstad. That's the one from all the pictures with the multicolored dutch colonial buildings - pretty cool stuff. Also saw the oldest continuiously active synagogue in the westerne hemisphere - it opened in the 1600s or something. A colleague of mine is Jewish, so were going to go to the yom kippur services there this week - should be interesting to see the caribbean take on judaism. I also just learned that later this week, as we're wrapping up, an adult-oriented website is having it's retreat at the hotel. Apparently the Hottub was the place to be last year...i'll see what else i can find out.
I've beent rying to take as many pics as possible - but it's a little hard while working. I'll try to post when i return to LA.
in reference to a previous comment - it's 78 degrees at NIGHT - like 2 am. Durign the day, it's tipping the mid to high 90's.